Difficulty writing
Read and Spell Blog
Difficulty writing

Difficulty writing

Writing is a complex and cognitively demanding task that requires a child to bring together both lower and higher order skills, including manipulating abstract ideas while paying close attention to the spelling and punctuation conventions of written English.

If the physical act of putting letters on a page is problematic or a learning difficulty gets in the way of fluent language production, students may struggle to come up with legible and coherent compositions. This can lead to poor grades on quizzes and tests but can also affect learning when note-taking skills are compromised.

Because writing is central to most subjects across the school curriculum, over time poor performance on written assignments can result in negative associations with classroom learning, low self-esteem and a general lack of confidence at school. A child may believe he or she is a bad writer and begin to avoid writing activities, which in turn results in a less developed skill set.

The tragedy is that with the right strategy training and appropriate accommodations, every child can achieve his or her full potential.

Methods for teaching reading
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3 Methods for teaching reading

3 Methods for teaching reading

Learning how to read is one of the most important things a child will do before the age of 10. That’s because everything from vocabulary growth to performance across all major subjects at school is linked to reading ability. The Phonics Method teaches children to pair sounds with letters and blend them together to master the skill of decoding.

The Whole-word Approach teaches kids to read by sight and relies upon memorization via repeat exposure to the written form of a word paired with an image and an audio. The goal of the Language Experience Method is to teach children to read words that are meaningful to them. Vocabulary can then be combined to create stories that the child relates to. Yet while there are various approaches to reading instruction, some work better than others for children who struggle with learning and attention difficulties. 

Dysgraphia symptoms in children
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7 Dysgraphia symptoms in children

7 Dysgraphia symptoms in children

Dysgraphia is a language based specific learning difference that primarily affects writing. It can be difficult to spot in young learners, as not every child develops literacy skills at the same rate. Nonetheless, there are some hallmark signs of trouble which usually show up when a child first learns to write.

For example, these children often have problems holding a pen or pencil and forming letters and numbers, both in print and in cursive writing. They can struggle to express themselves in writing, from organizing ideas, to spelling and using punctuation correctly. Poor handwriting is common. The spacing between words may be uneven, letter size can vary and there will be issues staying inside margins.

Students with dysgraphia can find it hard to show what they have learned when an assessment is done via writing. Dysgraphic children also tend to find copying exercises challenging and may avoid coloring and drawing too.

As writing by hand is necessary for everything from putting your name at the top of a page, to making notes, completing worksheets and taking tests, learning can be affected when a child doesn’t get access to the accommodations and strategy training he or she needs.

Are dyspraxia and autism related
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Dyspraxia and autism

Dyspraxia and autism

Dyspraxia is a motor skills disorder that can cause issues with fine and gross motor skills, social interaction, planning skills and coordination. While it is distinct from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) many parents notice similar symptoms, including sensory processing issues. In some cases the two conditions can co-occur.

Research studies have found that dyspraxia is more likely to be reported amongst people with autism than in control groups; however, that does not necessarily imply a causal relationship. For parents struggling to understand their child’s diagnosis, it can help to take a closer look at the similarities and differences between the two.

Read and Spell Blog


Many educators have worked with bright and motivated children who struggle to perform at school due to attention difficulties. This is not unusual given attention difficulties are among the most common childhood behavioral disorders (1).

But if you are confused by the terminology surrounding attention difficulties, especially ADD vs ADHD, you’re not alone. So, what’s the difference?

How to teach typing to students
Read and Spell Blog
How to teach typing

How to teach typing

Many teachers are interested in having their students acquire keyboarding skills. That’s because typing is a useful skill for completing homework and essays, doing online research, taking standardized exams, and even taking notes in class. It’s a skill that will serve students in higher education as well as in their future careers. Plus, following a typing course can lead to improvements in reading, writing, and spelling abilities, depending on the approach taken (certain programs can even be used to boost confidence and motivation for learners who have developed a negative attitude toward school). 

But while some institutions offer touch-typing as part of a computer science curriculum, it’s not always available, and often parents and educators who advocate for its inclusion must take on the challenge of teaching typing themselves -- with the help of a self-study program of course.

B and d letter reversals
Read and Spell Blog
B and d letter reversal

B and d letter reversal

Writing by hand requires a child to correctly identify the sticks, curves and/or circles that make up a letter, then reproduce those shapes in a particular orientation, using a set sequence of pen strokes. Before the skill is automatized, the handwriting process can be quite mentally taxing. New writers are also struggling to develop the fine motor skills needed to grip a pen or pencil and the language encoding skills required for reading and spelling.

Add to this the challenge of writing in a straight line and creating letters of the same height and width, and you’ll find that reversing letters is a common mistake for beginners to make. This is particularly the case for symbols built from the same set of shapes, including b/d, p/q, f/t, i/j, m/w and n/u. Nonetheless, most children grow out of letter reversal by age 7 and it only becomes a cause for concern when errors occur beyond first and second grade.

How to avoid wrist pain from typing
Read and Spell Blog
How to avoid wrist pain from typing

How to avoid wrist pain from typing

As more and more people type on a computer for work or school, wrist injury due to keyboard misuse is becoming increasingly common. It begins with tingling and numbness in the hand and can become so painful that some people even require surgery. This pain goes by several names including Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CSI). Both conditions are considered occupational hazards that employers and educators take seriously.

Following instruction in safe typing practice is the first step in avoiding wrist pain, but it can also help to employ some computer workspace accommodations, such as getting an ergonomic keyboard, fitted desks and chair, and/or gel wrist pad.

3 Causes of spelling difficulties
Read and Spell Blog
3 Causes of spelling difficulties

3 Causes of spelling difficulties

English spelling can be a source of great frustration for a child who is learning how to read and write. But when difficulties persist beyond the first few years of school, a language-based specific learning difference could be the cause of the trouble. Estimates suggest 1 in ten people struggles with some form of dyslexia, which also affects reading ability.

Dyslexic children may be able to spell a word one day and not the next and can find high frequency service words, such as prepositions, articles and conjunctions, particularly difficult to learn.

My child has dyslexia
Read and Spell Blog
My child has dyslexia

My child has dyslexia

A guest post from the authors of ‘The Illustrated Guide to Dyslexia and Its Amazing People'

Dyslexia blogs
Read and Spell Blog
6 Dyslexia blogs for parents and teachers

6 Dyslexia blogs for parents and teachers

Following a blog can keep you informed about the latest research and help you stay abreast of dyslexia related events and important dates, such as Dyslexia Awareness Month and Dyslexia Awareness Week in early October. If you’re active or thinking of becoming active in a dyslexia campaign, it’s a great way to connect with other advocates, particularly those working outside of your area. 

Blogs are also an ideal way to go about researching, as they are typically full of can-do posts that avoid the dense format of reference material. You may discover authors who are themselves dyslexic and thus write in a more intuitive manner.

For parents of children who have just received a diagnosis, it can be helpful to read about the experiences of other families who have embarked on a similar journey.