Do you want to learn with TTRS but require financial aid?

The Ayden Rae Foundation
Providing guidance and access to educational resources is an important part of the Ayden Rae Foundation’s work, and that’s where Touch-type Read and Spell comes in. The foundation offers TTRS courses to children, young-adults and adults to address literacy concerns and ensure every individual can achieve their full potential, no matter which challenges they may have faced in the past or which hurdles they may still need to overcome.
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St. Peter's, Gambia, West Africa
We began official computer classes with our students and the results have been amazing. As an educator with over 40 years of experience, I was, and continue to be, astounded, at our students' new-found motivation. They take a computer class for one hour, four days a week. The format for the class remains the same. Each class begins with fifteen minutes of typing with the Touch-type Read and Spell program.
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Home educating a child with dysgraphia
I’m a teacher’s aide, and I had lost my job because of COVID-19. We knew we’d be home-educating my son, age 11, who has dysgraphia, for the upcoming term and we wanted to give him extra support with his learning needs. Touch-type Read and Spell had both typing and spelling, so it looked like a great option. We were able to request a scholarship because I have no income, and my husband’s is quite low.
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