Roisin, Secondary School Teacher
We have been using Touch-type Read and Spell (TTRS) for nearly three years with all of our transition year students who are 15-16 years old, and some 1st, 2nd and 3rd-year students. Our transition students have two lessons per week and use TTRS for up to 40 minutes at a time. Some of them also complete modules in their own time at home.
It has been wonderful to see the improvement in reading and spelling, typing skills, confidence, and motivation in students who are using TTRS. It is also great preparation for those who will complete their Junior and Leaving Certificate examinations through special centres using technology.
I really like the user-friendly and self-explanatory dashboard TTRS has for teachers. It can be shared with other staff and makes it easier to manage our students’ activity and progress.
Additionally, our special education teacher uses Touch-type Read and Spell with students who have dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties. This begins on a one-to-one or small group basis and then students continue independently with the teacher monitoring their progress.
One particular success story I’d like to share is a dyslexic and dyspraxic student who started TTRS in his first year not having done any typing at primary school. Just over two years later, he is able to do all of his schoolwork on a laptop which has had a massive impact on his confidence and attainment. His homework takes a lot less time now and this has definitely added to his general well-being.