The TTRS Approved Tutor Network is made up of independent, licensed tutors
When and Why to use a TTRS Tutor
- Regular, self-motivated study
- Increased self-esteem and confidence
- Working individually in a peer group setting
- Help with focus and concentration
- Computer and access to the TTRS course is provided
A TTRS Tutor Provides:
- Expertise
- Experience
- Encouragement
Relaxed, Productive Atmosphere
A tutor-led centre will be fully equipped to provide a working environment that is relaxed, friendly and focused on learning.
Small Group Learning
Students work through the TTRS course at their own pace, in a small learning group environment where they can feel comfortable and engaged.
Personal Attention
Every student receives the personal attention they need. With an experienced TTRS tutor on hand to guide and motivate, even individuals who struggle to focus, can feel encouraged to progress.
Regular Study
The discipline of attending weekly TTRS sessions at a Tutor Centre can be invaluable if regular self-study is proving difficult to encourage and maintain.
Parental Involvement
Receiving tutor support at a Tutor Centre doesn’t mean that parents are excluded - far from it. Parental involvement is welcomed and encouraged, so you can always be as much a part of the process as you wish.