What progress have you seen while using TTRS?
His spelling has improved, as well as his reading and typing speed. He can also skim read better now.
My oldest child learned to type correctly. My middle learned how to read and type, we are now working on spelling. My youngest is starting to read and knows how to type.
Lots I'm very impressed with the programme. He enjoys using it and it is building his confidence with typing and spelling.
Her accuracy and confidence have increased.
She made good progress in the last couple of months and I have noticed her using her typing skills.
Quicker typing skills and improving spelling skills.
Excellent. He is able to touch type with no visual aids and is now focusing on increasing his speed. His growing confidence with the keyboard has been evident, watching him carrying out his school assignments at home.
Positive mood, increased keyboarding skills, confidence with spelling.
She has become more enthusiastic about learning and more willing to challenge herself.
Both children have a slight improvement in speed and both are far more comfortable using the keyboard. Plus it helped us to provide short structured activities during lockdown.
In addition to being able to type while not looking at the board, I've found his spelling & reading to improve.
He is beginning to notice words he can’t spell!
Regularly using correct hands/fingers when typing. Improved spelling.