Read and Spell with Confidence, Online
Touch-type Read and Spell (TTRS) is highly successful at improving reading, writing, spelling and self-esteem
through the medium of touch-typing in a unique, dyslexia-friendly way. Learners complete the carefully-structured program of exercises comprising the course via an internet enabled PC or Mac.

Multi-sensory Learning

The TTRS course engages the learners' senses of seeing, hearing and touching. 
The student experiences a kinesthetic approach:

"When I want to spell a word I just think where my fingers would go, it's like talking with my fingers."

Why TTRS is so effective

  • Incorporates structured word lists from the book 'Alpha to Omega' by Beve Hornsby - based on the works of Orton-Gillingham
  • Uses a unique, multi-sensory, phonics based approach, developing literacy, confidence and self-esteem with measurable success right from the start
  • Supported by a substantial number of research papers, user testimonials, and specialist articles
  • Proven worldwide for 21 years - in thousands of schools, homes, colleges, and dyslexia associations


Order Now

with 10 day money back guarantee

Order now from just $49 a month with no contract, or save 2 months when ordering annually. TTRS Online enables the delivery of TTRS via any PC or Mac with an Internet connection, keyboard and speakers.


All licences include:

  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access
  • 10 day money back guarantee
  • Easy setup - no installation required
  • Unlimited technical support
  • Free continued upgrades
  • Purchase with confidence through Paypal




" We're loving the TTRS ONLINE product, thanks for developing this! "

Ms Kelly
St Michael's Luteran Primary School (May 2013)
South Australia

" We have had extremely good results with all the pupils who have remained on the course and reached Level 8 and beyond. This covers the majority and a complete age range from Year 4 (8 years to adult). Exam results following the course have been far higher than originally forecast for the individuals."

Frances Mercer
NELDA (North East Lancashire District Association)

" The TTRS course really helped me. It’s been a lot easier in class, and it makes me a lot more confident in terms of spelling. I don’t have to ask people how to do things any more."

Home User
New Zealand

"...No surprise then that TTRS is included as an example of good practice in the British Dyslexia Association's Dyslexia Friendly Schools Pack.."

Hornsby International Dyslexia Centre Newsletter

" The scheme uses a variety of strategies to break the cycle of failure. By the end of the course, students have improved their spelling, reading, short-term Memory, co-ordination and concentration....They see that they are mastering the computer but what really encourages them is the improvement in their spelling."

Sally Mckeown
Times Education Supplement

" I cannot believe the difference this program has made to my son’s life. He was scoring an average of between 95% and 99% at each module...his self-esteem is greater than it has been for the last two years and his happiness is portrayed by a smile at his own achievement."

Catherine O'Sullivan McGraph
Parent of child aged 11
" I am so grateful to have been involved with TTRS it has enriched my life by just being involved with the Program."
Gwenda Maynard
South Australia
" TTRS proves a hit with Dyslexic Kids."
Education Weekly, New Zealand See Article here
" I really enjoyed using (TTRS) with students at City College, Plymouth, and found it a wonderful way of raising self-esteem and motivating students to improve their literacy skills. I feel the multi-sensory and kinaesthetic elements are extremely important."
Amanda Dyke

" Murraylands Christian College at Strathalby in South Australia have been using the brilliant TTRS Programme since the beginning of 2008. Students greatly benefit from this excellent programme."

Pamela Coulson
Special Education Key Teacher, Murraylands Christian College
South Australia

Read more testimonials here