St. Peter's, Gambia, West Africa
I have been volunteer teaching at St. Peter's, Lamin, Gambia, West Africa, for the past three years. I teach English to young women in the 17-20 age bracket who are struggling financially.
Our students had previously been learning to type on old machines with dated manuals, but then we acquired 10 new laptops. We began official computer classes with our students and the results have been amazing. As an educator with over 40 years of experience, I was, and continue to be, astounded, at our students' new-found motivation. They take a computer class for one hour, four days a week. The format for the class remains the same. Each class begins with fifteen minutes of typing with the Touch-type Read and Spell program.
I cannot speak more highly of this program and of how it gives our students the right start. They've really benefited from it. They are typing at a much faster pace and with a greater sense of confidence and assurance than before. Moreover, some of our students are very weak in English reading and when they are engaged in the computer class, I find the program helps them notice word parts and associate the correct sound with the spelling.
I have no doubt that my students will be very adept and proficient at their typing at the completion of their two-year course. I will also be encouraging them to continue with their studies, as typing is a skill that will help them find work.