Alexis, Adult learner with mild dyslexia
I work at a children’s book publisher and I do most of my writing on the computer. In my job, I find I mostly have to be careful with emails. For example, I want to make sure I’m not missing anything important, so I may re-read something several times.
I was diagnosed with mild dyslexia as a child -- I actually went to a special school for it until I was in fifth grade. I remember doing a lot of phonics. Learning Spanish and Italian in high school and college just confused my spelling further!
But listening to the words in TTRS really helps me. I can hear and see the word, so it’s easier for me to pinpoint whatever little thing I’m doing in my mind that’s not working.
For example, I tend to struggle with vowel sounds and I’m always one letter off. I’ll miss a ‘c’ or a ‘k’ and it takes time to go back and fix it.
TTRS is great because it helps me see these issues - it makes it really clear when I miss a letter - and gets me to slow down and go back and correct them, so I get the spelling right.
I feel it’s helping a lot with my spelling both when I write on the computer and by hand.
I’ve also found it’s easy and convenient to work on the modules - I can do them at home and in the office and it doesn’t take up too much time.
Plus, I like it and I actually look forward to doing it!
I’ve been working on typing for a few years now and can type quickly, but TTRS is good for me because it’s helping me improve my accuracy.