Anna, Adult learner with mild dyslexia
I have mild dyslexia. Unfortunately, there was no help for me when I was younger, so I’ve always just struggled along. I run a guest house and when I write on the computer, it’s easier to cover up errors. In the first few weeks of Touch-type Read and Spell, I didn’t think I was getting much better. Then, when I was typing a letter out, I felt wow, I seem to be typing differently. Typing felt more automatic and I wasn’t overthinking the words and how to spell them, I was just doing it. I was typing faster and my fingers knew where they were going.
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Caroline, Adult student working in healthcare
At 27 I’m going back to school for an occupational therapy degree. I’d been working as a care-giver in the healthcare sector and realized this is what I wanted to do. I was assessed for dyslexia when I was 8 and then again at 17. When I first started using the Touch-type Read and Spell program I was terrible. But I’ve noticed an improvement already when I’m typing. I know where the letters are. I’m typing with more confidence and I’m motivated to keep taking modules as I want to get things perfect.
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Jen, Adult learner and homeschooling mom
I’ve never been officially diagnosed with dyslexia, but I’ve struggled with reading and spelling all of my life. One of the things I like most about the Touch-type Read and Spell Course are the subjects. They have technical terms and definitions from science and math that you can practice typing. There’s a section I let my son try and it was really interesting to watch him. He had such a high level of success with the program that I created an account for him -- it's something we can both use!
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Alexis, Adult learner with mild dyslexia
I work at a children’s book publisher and I do most of my writing on the computer. Listening to the words in TTRS really helps me. I can hear and see the word, so it’s easier for me to pinpoint whatever little thing I’m doing in my mind that’s not working. For example, I tend to struggle with vowel sounds and I’m always one letter off. TTRS is great because it helps me see these issues - it makes it really clear when I miss a letter. Plus, I like it and I actually look forward to doing it!
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Martin, Adult learner with severe dyslexia
I’m fifty years-old and I’m a hairstylist but I can say that I’ve endured a lifetime of struggles because of my dyslexia. It’s so severe that if it weren’t for my computer, I would still be completely illiterate. I was actually looking for different tools to use on my iPad when I discovered Touch-type Read and Spell. I can already say that TTRS is fantastic. I enjoy it and I do it every day. I wish they had had a multi-sensory program like this when I was at school.
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Charlotte, Interested in transcription work
Because I’m a single parent, I really like the flexibility of working from home. Right now, I do mainly home crafting - but it doesn’t bring in enough income. I’d like to pursue transcription work in the future, so I know I need strong typing skills for that. Touch-type Read and Spell has been useful for me because it’s helping me with my touch-typing and my dyslexia. In the beginning, I was really slow at typing, but after a few weeks of TTRS, I went up from 25 to 45-50 words per minute.
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Maria, Doctor and English language learner
I began using the TTRS course after my English literacy level was tested and seemed low. I'm originally from South America and I work as a doctor in the UK. I also have dyslexia. I spent a year doing about 30 minutes of typing each day. When I was tested after using TTRS, my scores revealed that my word reading skills had improved by 22 standard score points! I feel like this is quite an achievement! Before TTRS, I used to type slowly and inaccurately with two-fingers. Now I am faster at the computer, make fewer errors, and write more professionally.
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Brian, Retired engineer using TTRS
I worked my whole life as an engineer but I've struggled with severe dyslexia. When I used to do e-mails it was a nightmare, but now, what would take me half an hour I can do in five minutes. It's been two years since I started using the Touch-type Read and Spell course and my reading has improved significantly. In the beginning, one or two modules might have taken me half an hour and I’d try and do that every day. These days I’m much faster and I can do up to ten modules in one sitting. TTRS has given me confidence.
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Samantha, Adult learner who works in family business
When I was at school it wasn’t as popular to talk about dyslexia. Reading I’m okay with but with spelling it’s another story. Over the years I’ve sort of self-taught myself typing, but I really like learning with Touch-type Read and Spell and it’s made a difference for me at work already! That’s because it makes me think about what I’m typing. When I write emails I normally look up and there are about ten red lines with errors. Now it’s about half that, and that’s only from using TTRS for 3-4 weeks.
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Annette, Adult learner returning to school
I’ve always known I had dyslexia but for most of my life I tried to ignore it. When I was younger my school didn’t diagnose me, and it was only this year when I took an adult education course that I was given a proper assessment. I was researching tools for adult dyslexia online when I first came across Touch-type Read and Spell. As I’ll be starting university in September, I’m using the course to help me get ready for school. What I like about TTRS is that it’s easy and straightforward to use. The first time I signed in to the program I was able to get started right away.
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Brian, Retiree and youth mentor with dyslexia
I was never officially diagnosed as dyslexic, but I’ve read a lot about it and I’m pretty sure I have phonological dyslexia. When I was 9 or 10 I can remember looking at the word off, thinking that's alright. Then looking at the word of, and thinking that should be 'ov' -- this doesn't make sense. At work, when I became a manager, my boss would say things to me like “you take the minutes for the meeting,” and I’d sit there thinking how can I write the rough copy big enough, so that I can read it later, but too small for anyone to see my mistakes as I write?
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Elizabeth, Adult learner with dyslexia
I was 15 when I was diagnosed with dyslexia. Because of my early experiences with reading and spelling difficulties, I chose a career in education and I am now a primary school teacher. I think Touch-type Read and Spell is just brilliant because it teaches you to type using real words. It’s all about sensory skills. It teaches typing, reading, and spelling and it’s designed for people who have dyslexia. When you have dyslexia, it’s difficult to learn how to type if the drills aren’t linked with spelling patterns and you don’t get the same benefit out of it, like you do with TTRS.
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Bolton College, Adult Education
We offer the TTRS course to self-study adult learners who have returned to education to improve their spelling, increase their familiarity with technology, and use word processors. We find that many of our adult learners did not engage with spelling when they first attended school, and that the conventional ‘look-cover- spell-check’ and spelling test approach had a detrimental effect on their learning. In contrast, Touch-type Read and Spell provides a rewarding and positive experience for them.
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Success Stockport, Adult Education
We had run the Touch-type Read and Spell course before within a local authority and found it really inspired confidence in adult learners. That's why we ran it again in our most recent course for 9 unemployed adult learners, some of whom had learning difficulties. Our students enjoyed using TTRS and acquired the skill of touch-typing at the same time. One student said TTRS taught her not to be afraid of computers. Another said learning typing with TTRS made him more confident and that he was now ready to tackle future computer courses.
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North East Lancashire Dyslexia Association
We were looking for typing software that would teach keyboarding, but also help students make progress in terms of literacy skills development. Particularly for adults who struggle with literacy skills, it can be difficult to admit there is a problem and even harder to seek help in the form of private tutoring. Therefore, the fact that our mature learners could learn independently with TTRS meant they had access to literacy support without the embarrassment they might feel in a classroom setting.
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